Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wellington mayor reassures residents

Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says the city has come through last night's 6.5 earthquake "relatively unscathed", but the quake is a timely reminder for residents to be in a state of preparedness.

"Council engineers and consultants have done a visual check through of the city's inner streets ? that's about 2500 buildings ? and we've identified there are about 35 building with clear external damage, broken windows, masonry coming off the building, and we've barricaded off the footpaths and roads from those buildings to keep people safe," says Ms Wade-Brown.

She says it is a well-known fact Wellington is prone to earthquakes and the city has been working on its earthquake-readiness for a number of years.

"I think today we saw the benefits of strengthening the infrastructure and the buildings," she says.

"We do encourage people to take this as a timely reminder to make sure they have their emergency kits, that they're prepared, and that they stop and take the time to reassure any vulnerable neighbours that they might have."

Ms Wade-Brown says all council buildings will be open tomorrow as normal.

Watch the video to see the story.

Source: http://www.3news.co.nz/Wellington-mayor-reassures-residents/tabid/423/articleID/305889/Default.aspx

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